Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"Faith is not proven when you come out of something, its proven while you’re in the middle of it. Be faithful in the fight!"- S Brady. Morning All, gotta keep the faith and continue to pray while your pressing your way through. It's not always easy but I'm a witness that prayer does change things. Gotta give God the praise in good times and in bad. One thing i know for sure..he hasn't failed me yet. Be faithful, praise him and thank him! Be blessed and prosperous on today!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday's GeM of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"Sometimes we have to make peace with people and situations even if they are not willing to. You gotta do it for yourself. ..not them. It's easy holding on to stuff, the hard part is letting it go." Morning all, we may not have control over everything that happens to us but we are always in control over how we react to it. Take your power back...let it go...forgive. ..Be blessed and prosperous on today.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"People are who they are. We have to learn to let people be who they are instead of trying to mold them into what WE want them to be. The thing is....we always have a CHOICE if want to deal with the person they are" Morning all..I'm me and that's all I know how to be..I'm real..flawed..perfectly imperfected..but I'm me!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"Get motivated to make that change that is necessary in your life. We as people a lot of the time sit on our hands and hope for things to happen. Then get mad at those that are making things happen. If you want it... GO GET IT. Don't worry bout the next person getting theirs because more than likely they are NOT worrying about you. Jealously is a weak emotion. Get your own so they can ask about you!"- M Hargrove. Morning all, gotta get up, get out and get to it! Its Monday..Get Motivated!! Grind Time!!  Be blessed and prosperous on today!!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday's GeM of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"The past is where you learned the lesson. The future is where you apply the lesson, don't give up in the middle."-M Sapp. Morning all, the saying is..when it rains it pours..and Lord have mercy its been storming. But in order to see the sunshine, we have to put up with a little rain. We have to learn to take one day at a time and stop taking back the things we gave to God to fix for us. I don't know about you but I need his help often. Trust in him to fix it!!!  he has done it before and he will do it again. FAITH. I don't know what i would do without it or HIM!!  IT"S FRIDAY and IT IS WELL!!! Be blessed and prosperous on today!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:" No matter what it looks like, No matter what it feels like, No matter what how bad you think it could always be worse. Don't focus on what's going wrong that you lose focus on what's going right. We are blessed even when we think we're not." Morning all, I'm BLESSED, I'm BLESSED and your BLESSED!!!! Have a blessed and prosperous day on purpose!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday's GeM of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"Remind Yourself Today: This too shall pass, and CHOOSE to have a great and peaceful day on purpose ! Don't allow the cares of this world to stress you out and rob you of your emotional well-being. Pass the test, and let God know that you trust Him and you CHOOSE not to be moved by adversity or concerns. God is bigger than any of your problems. He has you and your circumstances COVERED ! Believe and Receive...ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE."-A Diatto. Morning All, let's get over this hump on a positive note! Be blessed and prosperous on today!!!

States with the most registered sex offenders

States with the most registered sex offenders: States with the most registered sex offenders

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday's GeM of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"They'll NEVER be able to pull you down if they can't reach you. Stay prayed UP !!"-Rev Run. Morning all, pray about everything and and worry about nothing. It's a Fabulous Friday and don't let anyone ruin it. Have a good day on purpose! I sure am! Be blessed and prosperous on today.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:" There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on" Morning all, It's definitely one thing that we must realize about life... IT GOES ON!!!!! Keep it moving!!!! Be blessed and prosperous on today

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday's GeM of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"God knows what our hearts desire better than we know it ourselves; but sometimes we "WANT" what we don't "NEED". The true courage, faith, and obedience comes in accepting and trusting God to give us what He knows is "BEST" for us!" Morning all, we must always consult and trust God in everything. Just because we desire something doesn't mean that it's meant for us. Ask God  to order your steps and place you right where you need to be. TRUST HIM! Be blessed and prosperous on today!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"Prayer should be our FIRST response rather than our LAST result" Morning all, always remember to stay and pray in faith!! Prayer definitely changes things. .P.U.S.H! Be blessed and prosperous on today!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"Don't be so focused on your destination that you forget to enjoy the journey along the way"-Joyce Meyer. Some of us get so caught up in work, kids, stress, day to day things and we forget to enjoy life! We have to LIVE!! We can't get that time back so we need to learn to make the BEST life we can. The past is gone..learn from it...the future is ahead..prepare for it..the present is now...LIVE IN IT!! Let's get motivated in this Monday morning..God didn't forget to wake you up so don't forget to thank him for another day of life that we can make better! Be blessed and prosperous on today.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday's Gem of the DaY with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"Forgive all who has hurt and offended you, not for them, but for yourself"Afternoon all, we can change the past, what people have said or done. But if you continue to carry unforgiveness, hurt and anger in your heart then they will always have that power over you. These folks have gone on about their business but you carrying the burdens. Let it Go..stop letting it corrupt your present and future! Take your power back. It's a feel good FRIDAY!! Don't let anyone ruin it..Smile and be happy on purpose! Be blessed and prosperous on today folks!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"God will never remove something or someone from your life if he didn't have something better to put in it"-M Sapp. Morning all, we may not understand our trials and tribulations but we have to learn to TRUST God in everything. Sometimes when something is removed from your life... its blessing. Its not always a bad thing. Close that chapter and begin a new one! A closed door always leads to another door that has already been opened for you! Your test has turned into a testimony, a broken heart can be repaired if you save all the pieces. Broken things can become blessed things if you let God do the mending! Breakthroughs, prayer, patience, TRUST HIM! You are as happy as you make your mind up to's your choice!!! Feeling Fabulous these days, my blessings are coming down and I am SO THANKFUL! He is still in the blessing business!! Happy Thursday!! Have a blessed and prosperous on today folks

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday's GeM of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"When you stop focusing on what other people got & what they doing and start being thankful for what you got & what you need to do to better yourself. Life will be better."LeVar Bowers. Morning all, The biggest problem most people have is worrying about someone else's business. I don't know about you but I have more than enough to be concerned with, better and fix in my life that keeps me busy so I don't have the time nor energy to be all up in YOURS! Happy Wednesday!!! Let's get over this hump on a positive note!!! #transformationtime#focused#progress...Be blessed and prosperous on today!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"The blessings you've been praying, believing, and waiting for, is too close for you to give up now. Don't get weary and lose hope. Refuse to allow discouragement, impatience, or doubt to knock you off of your faith stance. New Beginnings are here for many. God is currently working in your life in ways that you don't even know about yet. He's manifesting answered prayers ! Watch and see"-A Diatto. Morning all, Be encouraged, be patient and always pray and stay in faith!  Be blessed and prosperous on today!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:" Don't cry or get upset because someone hurts you. Just smile and say Thank you for giving me a chance to find someone better than you!"-J Thomas. Morning all, every situation/relationship is not built to last. Some are simply seasonal and meant to teach you lessons.Some were blessings. You can't hold on to something that does not want to hold on to you! God knows what's best for us even though we wanna hold on to what's not. He always does his part, we have to learn to do ours. Motivation Monday..Thank God just because..He woke you up this morning! Be blessed and prosperous on today!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday's GeM of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:"Remind Yourself Today: This too shall pass, and CHOOSE to have a great and peaceful day on purpose ! Don't allow the cares of this world to stress you out and rob you of your emotional well-being. Pass the test, and let God know that you trust Him and you CHOOSE not to be moved by adversity or concerns. God is bigger than any of your problems. He has you and your circumstances COVERED ! Believe and Receive...ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE."-A Diatto. Morning All, let's get over this hump day on a positive note! Don't allow anyone or anything ruin it! I'm feeling fabulous! Be blessed and prosperous on today!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Just a thought with Mr Peoplez

Wasted energy. The majority of my day I stress shit that I can't control. You know that saying only stress what you can control right, that easy for some. It's easy to say for most, for us few Thats left, we openly state the obvious...... Wth! As a matter of fact, so that people are comfortable around me I hide it with humor. But they know. I say a million times a day to myself.... They don't really know who dafuq they talking too. Smiling all the while. My Lil torture. My Lil secret. My problem. We all have issues right. One of mines is dwelling on bullshit most times when the the bigger picture is devine.  I supply myself wit Lil motives to get me true to that easy going old head Thats too fuckin coooool.

One day maybe..... Shit crazy

Tuesday's Gem of the Day with Ms Precious Haynes

TODAY'S THOUGHT:" If you are reading this, just stop and THANK GOD at this very moment for waking you up." Morning all, Be thankful each day that God blesses you with life. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone so we have to learn to LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE, FORGIVE, APOLOGIZE, SMILE...if you love someone TELL THEM, spend time with your loved ones, kiss your kids TODAY. We don't realize how Precious life is until you lose someone. Just thanking God on today just because! Be blessed and prosperous on today!!